About Us
Midoan Software Engineering Solutions is a bootstrapping company incorporated in 2001. We are headquartered in Ireland.
We are specialising in automatic test inputs generation from source code for a variety of expanding testing criteria and purposes. We have special interests in programming language subsets targeted at safety critical/high integrity applications (Spark Ada, Misra C). We also target the systems market. We believe our technologies to be state of the art in the area of automated test inputs generation from source code. We are also adding support for test cases generation.
"Mika : Test Data Generation for Ada" is our first commercial product. Interested resellers should contact us.
We have similar on-going R&D projects for C and Intermediate Code.
Our Philosophy
Midoan, as a company, is interested in dynamic software verification and validation; actual generation of test inputs that can be executed with no human intervention. That approach is complementary to the many well known automatic static analysis techniques.
Our Manifesto
- Traditional, trustable, dynamic testing over static analysis tools;
- Executable test inputs over false positive warnings;
- Fully automated test inputs generation over annotations and scripting;
- Independently executable, carefully automatically constructed, test inputs with oracle support over random or manual testing.
That is, while there is value in the items on
the right, we value the items on the left more. (with acknowledgements from the Agile Manifesto)