The Future of Mika
Our prime current concern is the further development of Mika. We therefore aim to keep you informed of the likely future features that Mika will offer. This schedule will be nourished by your feedback and feature requests.
Release Plan
Short Term
- Front End
- Automatic unit and integration testing scaffolding for regression testing with oracle;
- Enhanced coverage reporting (e.g. by precisely indicating the range of values that a test input and/or test output may take in a given path).
- Back End
- Array Boolean Operators handling;
- Volatile variables handling;
- Provide comma separated outputs for the test inputs generated and the actual code behaviour;
- Test inputs generation for suspicious code (e.g. reference to an uninitialized variable/component).
- Have your say.
Medium Term
- Front End
- Test inputs generation for exception and assertions testing;
- Run-time errors test inputs generation.
- Back End
- Ada exception handling;
- Assertions handling.
- Have your say.
- Front End
- User specified test inputs generation scenarios (e.g. generate a test input to reach a given location in the code with specific user supplied constraints);
- Better integration with existing external tools (e.g. GPS);
- Linux version.
- Back End
- Condition Combination testing;
- Integration with AUnit or similar.
- Have your say.